Keystroke support
Opened this issue · 3 comments
First of all: Fantastic project, should receive more love from the community! :)
Just wanted to leave this ticket as an improvement I might work on..
Some very handy keystrokes are missing:
- for zooming (Ctrl+Alt/Cmd+Mousewheel/Touchpad)
- duplication Cmd/Ctrl+D (copy & paste combined, same position + offset of 50px top,left)
- Shift + KeyUp / KeyDown / KeyRight / KeyLeft should increase the speed of moving around to 10x the speed; holding the key should repeat the move operation in the direction of choice
- Shift + Clicking an element which has not been selected already should add it to the group of selection or create a selection if non exists yet. This use case is very common when you already selected a group of element via Rect-select but then want to add an element to this selection which is outside of the rect region.
edit: Removed grouping, as it worked when I checked again.
edit2: Added move speed multiplier
edit3: Added select multiple elements via shift keystroke
Grouping should actually work. The others are correct.
Yep, I also had some issues with moving groups around - elements didn't move grouped when moved via mouse-drag. Maybe a UX issue on my end. But that's a different story. Atm I'm quite busy but once my current startup is sailing calmer waters, I'm planning to get back to this and provide some patches. This project is really helpful for wireframing.
There is already an issue for that.