

adamdahan opened this issue · 5 comments

This status overlay is a key thief.

In order to gain window access one needs to override

  • (void) makeKeyWindow
    [[(AppDelegate *) [UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate window] makeKeyAndVisible];

And put a window property with this getter in the app delegate.

Add this to your library so its actually usable.

Your welcome for the fix.


Thanks, but no thanks.

Why was this closed - did you find another solution? This is exactly the issue I'm still having.

@DrBeak1 You can use my comment above to solve the issue for you :) We used it in our app. But to be honest we ended up ditching this library and rolled out our own. So the above comment became obsolete for us but it will work for you.

thanks @adamdahan --- at this time I have no use whatsoever for the user to interact with the overlay, so wouldn't adding this to MTStatusBarOverlay work fine:

    return NO;

... ????

@DrBeak1 Yup that would work fine :)