
Overlay positioning incorrect in landscape mode -- iOS 8

Closed this issue · 7 comments

In iOS 8 when the device is rotated (from portrait to landscape for example) the positioning and width of the overlay does not change, rather it keeps the same width as in portrait mode. This results in the overlay being shifted across to the right, showing some of the status bar

Have you come up with a fix for this?

Not at present no. Will either work on a fix soon or move away from using MTStatusBarOverlay as it doesn't seem to be maintained as much anymore.

Yes, it seems like the author has abandoned it.

Submitted a pull request which should fix this, see #89. cc/ @brendand

You need to account for the native scale when using native bounds, such as:

[UIScreen mainScreen].nativeBounds.size.width / [UIScreen mainScreen].nativeScale.
[UIScreen mainScreen].nativeBounds.size.height / [UIScreen mainScreen].nativeScale.

Otherwise, for iPads, while your location will be correct, your width won't be.

@rumbeck Good point, I shall update the pull request.

Hello, When we display message on status bar using MTStatusbaroverlay class then message doesn't display properly in portrait & landscape mode on iOS 9 devices. Its working fine on iOS 8 or lower devices.