
Primary LanguagePython


A crazy seeming idea that's working. Long have the tribes of Bukkit and MCP been seprate, but now they will be rejoined!

This script, crazy.py, will create an Eclipse refactor script that will instruct Eclipse how to rename all the methods in the CraftBukkit project using the names the MCP project uses for their server deobfuscation. This will allow folks that want to dig deeper into the minecraft server code to do so without risking obfuscation madness.

To run

from a command line run

python crazy.py

it will put out a file called out.xml

load up CraftBukkit in eclipse.

Add the missing classes from mc-dev.

fix the bugs in the missing classes.

Ask the bukkit team again why they don't commit the code that produces minecraft_server-xx.jar

Go to the Refactor menu. Pick "Apply Script..."

find out.xml.

Apply. This will take about 20 minutes.

Many fields and some methods, but that's usually where the Bukkit guys have already renamed something.
