
Could you please include the --with-http_v3_module option by default in the compilation for future versions?

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朋友在未来的版本编译的时候能将 --with-http_v3_module 默认加上吗?

Could you please include the --with-http_v3_module option by default in the compilation for future versions?

Thank you!

The ngx_http_v3_module is experimental now, and not included in upstream build config. I do not have much time with this nowadays, but feel free to fork this repo and make changes.
ngx_http_v3_module现在是试验性的,而且不包含在上游构建配置中。我现在没有太多时间处理这个问题,但可以随意 fork 这个 repo 并进行修改。