
Add support for config file

ljades opened this issue · 6 comments

Can we have the ability to set up a config in a setup.cfg (which also helps it run in tandem with flake8's configuration) for which parts of the autolinter we want to run by default?

fbidu commented

Hi @myint, thanks for this project!

I have just added it to my personal cookiecutter and came here to look for pyproject.toml support. Is this kind of support on your roadmap? If so, I could try my hand at a PR. I've never written a support for pyproject.toml but it seems like fun.

Thanks & have a great weekend

Any update on this?

There is a workaround:

However, there doesn't appear to be a way to either pass args or use pyproject-autoflake with pre-commit:

Support config in pyproject.toml is another option. Wondering if there is any update on this issue.

Hi All, autoflake 1.5.0 now supports configuration via pyproject.toml or setup.cfg

Oh I had missed this, @ed-wright thanks for bringing it up!