
PowerPrompt module

Opened this issue · 1 comments

@zamgill, @iuztemur, @KamahGit, @roniardiyanto, @yugonian, @sibaps80, @mkolibaba, @babls.

Thankyou all for starring my powershell repo. I'm writing to you for two reasons:

  1. If you're using powershell 6/core you can use my PowerPrompt repo. It's more modular, i.e. you can switch prompts by typing PowerPrompt *promptname* and create your own prompts by copying and amending one of the predefined ones.

  2. I never mentioned, but you all have probably realized already that in order to the icons (git, etc) to display correctly you need to install a Nerd Font.

@myleftshoe your welcome. I will give it a shot to use your PowerPrompt repo. Thanks again for the knowledge have shared.