
High CPU Use - dockerd

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

docker stats
Reports only minimal CPU usage:

However, Glances indicates dockerd is using substantial CPU resources.


Expected behavior
Probably not a bug with mynodebtc. I'm just wondering if anyone else noticed the same behavior. Or if there's any additional troubleshooting I could try to figure out which container is tying up the CPU and why. WebGUI has really bogged down lately.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Running in a VM with 2 CPU cores from an Atom C3438, 8gb ram.

MyNode hardware (please complete the following information):

  • Device: VM
  • Version 0.3.11

The most recent docker updates have cause some unusual behaviors, but I have not seen high CPU usage. Has it gone down? Does it get better after a reboot?

Yeah seems to have been a temporary issue. I'd restarted a lot lately while messing around with other configuration changes. Fully shutting down the VM and then powering it back on has sorted it out.
