Postal/ Zip code error Portugal space / without space
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Chris707 commented
Module version
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What went wrong?
Postal/ Zip code Portugal = 0000 000 (with space between 0000 and 000
BO accept only 0000000 without space
Prestashop will not accept 0000000 without space
Exact information check Case: 01290535
Reproduction steps
- Navigate to ...
- Click on ...
- See ...
Relevant log output
No response
Additional context
No response
wthijmen commented
Hi @Chris707,
Currently im checking your issue.
It is correct that the Prestashop is not making a shipment when the default format for PR postal is not NNNN-NNN.
Make sure to check out the International -> Locations -> Countries -> Portugal:
- Then change the Zip/Postal code format to the default one: NNNN-NNN
If you got more questions about the plugin you can also email to: