
$.width() throws error

xrstf opened this issue · 1 comments

I just downloaded version 2.0 (cc4cff1) and tried to compute the width of some DOM elements.

Browser: Chrome 15 on Windows 7

My code:


I've included jquip.js, and jquip.css.js right before the closing body tag of a simple HTML5 page.


All links should have width:20px

Actual result:

Uncaught TypeError: Object #<$> has no method 'css'

Seems like the reference to this.css is broken:

// jquip.css.js line 164
return this.css(type, typeof size === "string" ? size : size + "px");


yep, was a problem with last nights refactor to get jquip to play nice with Google's Closure Compiler advanced mode. Should be fixed now.

thx for reporting!