
Doesn't find if the fence is on the first line but not first column

lilydjwg opened this issue · 3 comments

Doesn't find if the fence is on the first line but not first column

Not really understand. In my environment, toc fence on the first line can work fine.

like this:

<!-- vim-markdown-toc GFM -->

* [你好世界](#你好世界)
* [hello](#hello)
* [world](#world)
* [???](#)

<!-- vim-markdown-toc -->

## 你好世界

## hello

## world

## ???

do you mean heading in the first line not contained in the generated toc?

if not, can you give a example for issue?

Oh, it only fails when the cursor isn't on the first column. Then it'll be simple to fix.

Yes, that would be a bug when set nostartofline, thx!