SnkrsCarousel is an MVVM application with caching persistence in a local database with Flow and Room. Instead of going the traditional route of leveraging the ViewPager class in order to build a carousel, I wanted to see how it would be done if I built my own ViewPager with an infinite loop in Jetpack Compose with a focus on creating custom animations with the Compose Animation API.
- Compose
- MAD (Modern Architecture Development)
- Retrofit
- Hilt
- Moshi
- Coroutines/Flow
- Accompanist Coil (Image Loading)
- Custom Pagination based off ViewPager/Pager in Compose
- Custom Transition & Display Animations
- LeakCanary
- The Sneaker Database Api RapidApi
Created with Jetpack Compose and built in Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Canary 1