
Consider clarifying some use cases.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

For now, the focus seems to be on implementing features because you can.

Think about it from the standpoint of "why".

That is, what is a case of a piece of art, or a diagram that I want to draw, (whether artistic or scientific, or explanatory, whatever... ) where I would want each of the constraints you are building, and then, perhaps make a video where you say: Here's my finished product. Now let me show you step by step, how I constructed it and how, in the course of that, I used each of the tools in my toolbox.

If it isn't possible to come up with a "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" type of diagram, then make it two or three different diagrams. But the challenge is to see if you can cover a use case for each of the constraints.

Why? Because I think getting inside the head of the user will help you understand how to better design the UI/UX and also how to prioritize the different features you might add, whether new constraints, ui improvements, whatever...

Side benefit: It really, really, will be helpful to you in promoting "Nathan".

I like the observation that you have, as a goal, making a list of constraints that matches Solid Works.

That's something to highlight.

Using the import/export functionality, I've added a few example sketches under examples/.

These can be automatically loaded by adding ?[filename] to the end of the url, such as https://ccs-1l-f19.github.io/protractr/src/index.html?car.json.

I updated the README to include links to the examples, and clarified the current/planned scope and features of the project.

Developing examples refocused my priorities. The F19 kanban board has been updated accordingly.