
Feature Request: Lossless mode for video, i.e. PNG output

BlohoJo opened this issue · 2 comments

Setting the CRF to 1 is pretty good, but it's not exactly lossless.

I would really prefer PNG output support. It seems like this could be added without too much trouble, but what do I know.

I know I could do a batch image resize by extracting PNG frames from the input video first, but then I'm doing a batch image process, and I'm not sure if Cupscale is doing anything for video input to try to maintain frame consistency so that the output doesn't look like it's "buzzing" or exhibit other anomalies.

This also has the added effect of being able to recover from a crash without having to reprocess the entire input video.

OK, so I just realized that Cupscale does actually use PNG, and stores frames in the frames-out folder. So PNG output would simply just be an option to move the folder, really.

When a project finishes, it deletes the contents of the frames-out folder, with no way for the user to specify in the application to keep the contents of the folder. Frustrating!