
DirectML fails to load ONNX models

ronoverdrive opened this issue · 0 comments

Tried following the AMD guide and nothing shows up in the list so I tried creating my own ONNX models. They show up in the list, but fail to load with the following error.

Imported 1 image(s) - 1 were resized to 512x512. Running Stable Diffusion - 5 Iterations, 1 Steps, Scales 7.5, 512x512, Starting Seed: 1206731685 1 prompt * 5 images * 1 step value * 1 scale and 1 image using 1 strength = 5 images total. Loading Stable Diffusion (ONNX) with model "sd2_1-fp16"... Canceled: Process has errored: Python Error: Fail: [ONNXRuntimeError] : 1 : FAIL : Load model from No images generated.