Name | NIM | Role | Github |
Naufal Taufiq Ridwan | 120140044 | Project Manager + Programmer | n0l3r |
Andre Riatasa Wijaya | 120140166 | Programmer | PoohNoCounter |
M. Herton Amarta Buana | 120140182 | Programmer | HrtnZx |
Vinsensius Robby Anggara | 120140192 | Designer | vinsensiusrobby15 |
Afif Syaifullah Fattah | 120140229 | Programmer | AfifSaifullah |
Yusuh Hafidz | 120140234 | Designer + Programmer | hfdzz |
Pong Plus is a two dimensional game that played by two players. Rule of the game similar to the classic game pong, which is a ball will be thrown from the middle of the board and every player can bounce the ball with a paddle that are on the left and right of the game board. This game is played by two players who compete.
git clone
cd Pong-Plus
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the following command to start the game:
chmod +x
or run the docker command directly:
docker build -t pong-plus .
xhost +
docker run --rm -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
-v /dev/snd:/dev/snd \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ \
--privileged \
--name pong-plus pong
alternative command: