
Apple Silicon (M1) build

karlhaworth opened this issue · 9 comments

can you make an apple silicon (m1) build of this app?

v22.02.01 out on App Store now is built as a universal binary and should support both x86 and Apple Silicon.

thank you.

did this regress? installed using mas install 1056643111 (ie via App Store), only got an Intel binary on an M1 MBP (12.3.1)
tried the latest GH release (Clocker.v22.05.zip); same thing

CleanShot 2022-04-22 at 15 58 54@2x

@n0shake ☝🏻

I'm having the same issue

Sorry that this has regressed, and will be fixed in the next update! :)

can you let us know when the next release might be? Would really like to use this again.

@karlhaworth this should be fixed in v22.06 (available in the App Store).

THANK YOU! I updated and using it. I appreciate you!

Hi @n0shake Any chance the Arm or universal build can be released as a dmg to your GitHub releases? We don't use an Apple ID and install everything from home-brew or GitHub dmgs instead.