
Typescript definition files seems to be wrong

sbatezat opened this issue · 2 comments

node -v
npm -v

Both of applyLiveQueryJSONDiffPatchGenerator.d.ts & liveQueryJSONDiffPatchGenerator.d.ts are referencing : import("../../graphql-live-query/src") and it's causing compilation issue on my side (using tsc).
When I manually patch them to import("../graphql-live-query") everything is working fine.
I've also changed import("../../graphql-live-query-patch/src/ExecutionPatchResult") to import("../graphql-live-query-patch/ExecutionPatchResult") in liveQueryJSONDiffPatchGenerator.d.ts.

Is there something wrong on my side?

Are you using the latest version of the packages? Could you share a reproduction on code sandbox or as a GitHub repository?

Gonna close this due to missing feedback.