
Multiple resource definitions with same domain merge together?

compscidr opened this issue · 0 comments

Hey there, I have a usecase where I would like to define groups of subdomains with various counts, however if I have multiple resource blocks, because of the design choice to clear everything, it does not work. For instance:

resource "godaddy_domain_record" "block1" {
  domain = "somedomain.xyz"
  count = var.test_runner_count

  record {
    name = "block1-${count.index + 1}"
    type = "A"
    data = aws_instance.test-runner[count.index].public_ip
    ttl = 3600

resource "godaddy_domain_record" "block2" {
  domain = "somedomain.xyz"
  count = var.other_hosts_count

  record {
    name = "block2-${count.index + 1}"
    type = "A"
    data = aws_instance.other_hosts[count.index].public_ip
    ttl = 3600

resource "godaddy_domain_record" "static-records" {
  domain = "somedomain.xyz"

  // static records
  record {
    name = "app"
    type = "A"
    data = ""
    ttl = 600

So when I apply this, I end up with some mixture of whatever applies first (it usually removes some missing entries, and adds some. Is there any way that all resources with the same domain could be merged together instead of all executed separately?

I don't mind submitting a PR, I'd just need to do some digging into the code to see how hard it would be / if possible.