
Fix flashing text array

MegaMech opened this issue · 0 comments

D_02007BB8 array doesn't match as one whole array in this function:

D_02007CD8 matches but &D_02007BB8[18] does not.

Probably need to make D_02007BB8 a 3D array. But didn't do that for now.
This issue maybe depends on GCC PR merged first.

Gfx *func_800959F8(Gfx *displayListHead, Vtx *arg1) {
    s32 index;

    if ((s32) gTextColor < TEXT_BLUE_GREEN_RED_CYCLE_1) {
        index = gTextColor;
    } else {
        index = ((gTextColor * 2) + ((s32) gGlobalTimer % 2)) - 4;
#ifdef AVOID_UB
    if (arg1 == D_02007BB8) {
        gSPDisplayList(displayListHead++, D_800E84CC[index]);
    } else if (arg1 == &D_02007BB8[18]) {
        gSPDisplayList(displayListHead++, D_800E84EC[index]);
    } else if (arg1 == &D_02007BB8[36]) {
        gSPDisplayList(displayListHead++, D_800E850C[index]);
    if (arg1 == D_02007BB8) {
        gSPDisplayList(displayListHead++, D_800E84CC[index]);
    } else if (arg1 == D_02007CD8) {
        gSPDisplayList(displayListHead++, D_800E84EC[index]);
    } else if (arg1 == D_02007DF8) {
        gSPDisplayList(displayListHead++, D_800E850C[index]);

    return displayListHead;