
AI Agent not recognising attached tools [v1.54.1]

jimleuk opened this issue · 5 comments

Bug Description

Discovered by joachim_brindeau: https://community.n8n.io/t/using-the-vector-store-tool/51805/5

An AI agent with attached tools complains with the following message:
Please connect at least one tool. If you don't need any, try the conversational agent instead

Tested using Docker image docker.n8n.io/n8nio/n8n:next

To Reproduce

  1. Advanced AI > AI Agent node
  2. Attached all standard subnodes - LLM, Memory
  3. Attach the calculator tool
  4. Using chat trigger, ask any question
  5. The error is returned instead of the LLM response.

Expected behavior

Tools are attached to AI agent so error should not be thrown.
The LLM response should be returned instead.

Operating System

MacOS Sonoma

n8n Version


Node.js Version



SQLite (default)

Execution mode

main (default)

Hey @jimleuk,

We have created an internal ticket to look into this which we will be tracking as "GHC-158"

Hey @jimleuk

Just looking at the post now, if a bug is found or raised on the forum there is no need to create a GitHub issue for it as it duplicates the issue.

I am going to close this issue and I will update the forum post with the internal ticket.

Thanks @Joffcom
I will note for next time.

@jimleuk good news this has been fixed in 1.55.0 and 1.54.2 so an upgrade should resolve it .

Fix got released with n8n@1.55.0