
Workflows executed by workflows display as "Queued" in executions

Nick-PDS opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Description

I just upgraded from 1.52.2 to 1.55 and I started encountering a new issue with my workflows showing in the execution log as "Queued" only when they have been executed by another workflow.

At first, I thought this was affecting my actual executions and they were just getting stuck in queue (even though my EXECUTION_MODE is regular) but they actually did end up completing once I let it fully run it's course.

This isn't entirely a major issue but it did cause me to panic as to why my executions weren't running when actually they were.


To Reproduce

  1. Create 2 workflows
  2. Execute the 2nd workflow in the first workflow (2nd workflow should have a long wait node so you can see it is "Queued" before completion
  3. Go to execution logs to see "Queued"

Expected behavior

Correctly show "Running for 0:00m" if it actually is running

Operating System

Ubuntu Linux 22.02

n8n Version


Node.js Version



SQLite (default)

Execution mode

main (default)

Hey @Nick-PDS,

We have created an internal ticket to look into this which we will be tracking as "GHC-164"