
Failure to Load Multiple Custom Nodes

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Bug Description

When testing multiple custom nodes, I set the variable N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS to /<path>/node-1/dist;/<path>/node-2/dist. However, only the last custom node took effect. After reviewing the code, I found that using ; to separate multiple paths is permitted. Nonetheless, during the node loading process, the packageName is consistently set to 'CUSTOM' (see image below), which causes the last node's name to overwrite the previous ones. Could this be a bug?


To Reproduce

1.Create multiple n8n-nodes-starter instances.
2.Create nodes.
3.Package nodes.
4.Set N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS to multiple node paths.

Expected behavior

The multiple node paths set by the variable N8N_CUSTOM_EXTENSIONS should be loaded correctly.

Operating System

ubuntu 22.04

n8n Version


Node.js Version



SQLite (default)

Execution mode

main (default)

Hey @ybom77,

We have created an internal ticket to look into this which we will be tracking as "GHC-208"