
Gmail Node Authentication in (next) branch

wkalamaras opened this issue · 2 comments

Bug Description

When attempting to connect new Gmail oauth2 credentials signing in ends with “ {"status":"error","message":"Unauthorized"}” and immediately logs the user out of n8n.

This issue only appears to be affecting the more recent versions of n8n on the “next” tag in docker hub (through 04/17). I have noticed this issue over two consecutive weeks of release but it is not present in the “latest” tag, only “next” through 1.38.0 (not tested on 1.38.1). As of 04/17 it had been present on arm and x86 architecture.

To Reproduce

  1. Add gmail oauth2 credentials under credentials
  2. Click sign in
  3. Follow through the prompts, when the uri attempts to redirect the error is produced.

Expected behavior

Successful completion of oauth2 credentials

Operating System

Ubuntu 23.10, Debian 12

n8n Version


Node.js Version



SQLite (default)

Execution mode

main (default)

I believe this is the same issue as #9151 .
The fix for this was released in 1.37.3 and 1.38.1.
Can you please try either of those versions, and let us know if that fixes the issue?

This does appear to be fixed now, and is in fact a duplicate. Apologies for missing that. Thank you guys for the incredible work here