
The input node is not transfered to the Conversational Agent

radu-bitspot opened this issue · 1 comments

Bug Description

The input node is not transfered to the Conversational Agent, Sometimes the info is not registered to the conversational Ai agent
The info jusat not arrived in the conversational box to have the ai work with the text.. sometime this bug appear

To Reproduce

input node > conversational agent > jon + node agent response is not procesed

Expected behavior

input node > conversational agent > json + node agent to be procesed

Operating System

Ubuntu 22.04

n8n Version


Node.js Version

Docker NOde


SQLite (default)

Execution mode

main (default)


Hey @radu-bitspot

From your screenshot I am not able to see what the issue is, are you able to provide a minimal workflow that reproduces the bug you are reporting?

I would also recommend using the latest version of n8n as it is possible that it is an issue that has already been resolved.