
Duplicate options for Gmail Create Draft operation

nchourrout opened this issue · 3 comments

Bug Description


Some options fields are listed twice for the Gmail node with resource set to Draft and operation set to Create.

The duplicate options are:

  • To Email
  • BCC
  • CC
  • Send Replies To
  • To Email


Note: if I select one of the duplicate fields, it will add the same field twice to the node.


This seems new on 1.40.0

To Reproduce

  1. Admin Panel > Manage > Update n8n version to 1.40.0 > Save Changes
  2. Add Workflow
  3. Add Gmail node with "Create a draft" action
  4. Open the node
  5. Click "Add Option"
  6. Some options are duplicated
  7. Click on "CC"
  8. The option CC has been added twice

Expected behavior

  • Each option should only appear once
  • Clicking on an option should only add it once

Operating System

n8n cloud

n8n Version


Node.js Version



SQLite (default)

Execution mode

main (default)

@nchourrout good spot that is likely my fault, I will get it fixed in the morning.

Hey @nchourrout,

I have just put in a PR for this, Once reviewed and merged it will be available in the next release. Thanks for letting us know about this 🙌🏻

Fix got released with n8n@1.41.0