
Repository Settings / Permissions

milkshakeuk opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi @duaneedwards can you give me access to the repository settings tab so I can set up things like issue templates.

I would also like to be able to publish nuget releases to via github as well as nuget.org.

This could be used to publish alphas, experimental releases or CI/CD builds before being released to nuget.org, or just an additional location to publish the packages.

Thanks in advance.

Have applied the maintainer role to your account, hopefully this gives you what you need.

@duaneedwards I have followed the instructions here but no joy, I do have the settings tab now with a few options for setting up the types of merges etc but no features or issues section.


I can see those options on my account so it must be an admin level feature I guess, have made you admin now so hopefully you can see the Features section now.

@duaneedwards ok that has worked, thank you!