- Get useful data about pokemon without scrolling thru tonnes of information
- Filter Dex depending on what is available in which generation
- React Native
- React Query
- React Native Elements
- NativeWind
- Pokemon data via PokeApi/Pokemon Borrius Pokedex Website/Pokemon Borrius Location Spreadsheet
- Borrius Web Scraper/API (build by meeee)
Set up boilerplate UI
Import Pokemon data from PokeAPI
- Import All Pokemon Data from PokeAPI
- Search for pokemon by name/type/number
Implement Pokedex list with pokemon icon sprite
Implement pokemon page (via Bottomsheet? like google maps)
Pokemon Evolution methods/levels
- Handle No Evo
- Handle 2 stage evolutions
- Handle 3 stage evolutions
- Handle split evolutions e.g politoed
- Handle Eevee
- min_level
- gender (vespiqueen)
- held_item (Politoed)
- item (firestone etc)
- known_move (Tangela)
- known_move_type (eevee - sylveon)
- min_affection (azuril)
- min_happiness (riolu)
- needs_overworld_rain
- party_species (mantyke)
- party_type (pancham)
- Trade (link stone)
- time_of_day (rockruff)
~~ [x] min_beauty (milotic)~~
~~ [x] location (irrelevant)~~
~~ [x] turn_upside_down (Malamar)~~
~~ [x] relative_physical_stats (tyrogue)~~
~~ [x] Trade species (escavalier)~~
Pokemon Base Stats (look for bar graph, )
Pokemon Catch rate
Get Pokemon location for Borrius (Scan thru PDF?)
Create App Icon
Table of Moves
Cache images?
Sort desktop UI
Handle Rockruff evolutions (3 split)
Make sure it works on iOS
Update Icons
publish to store
Implement fonts
Fix up android responsiveness
Handle tables for location and Moves
[/] Combine Moves that are learned via level up and TM
DEPLOY: [] - Web (Vercel) [] - Android (Expo) [] - iOS (Expo)
- Pokemon down the list take a while to load in their individual entries
- Pokemon load in at random order at the start
- Weirdness re: single/duo evos
- Beldum has no move data
- Handle long pokemon names (e.g. Nidoran female)
- Handle clicking evolution forms to go to other pokemon
- Remove Anachronicistic pokemon (e.g. Annihilape)
- Set Regional pokemon
- Pokesprite items for evo
- Unit test API calls
- Customise FOnts