
NRF24L01 Analog Output for Speaker

AmeerHafez opened this issue · 10 comments

Hello there. I tried to read the output of a receiver and the signal looked digitized. Is there anyway to output it in analog form?

And yes I tested it with a normal speaker and it sounds fine but the signal I receive on the oscilloscope looked like a pwm signal

What are you trying to do? What do you mean by "tried to read"?

read as in viewing it on oscilloscope. I'm trying to output analog signal from the receiver side but it looked digitized..

mhmm .. if i lower the sample rate of the transmission is it going to make it more like an analog signal? I'm planning to have a similar input signal by avoiding filters or DAC .. so what i understand is that arduino nano/uno can not output analog?

so what i understand is that arduino nano/uno can not output analog?

No, they can't.

It is PWM. The smaller Arduino devices don’t have a DAC. The best you can do i think is filter the output to get more of an analog signal.

Well what kind of filter? and how do I design the filter? Sorry I'm new to this

A DAC would work better, but you can use a low-pass filter that lets your intended frequency range trough, but filters the rest. There are calculators out there for low-pass filters.

A DAC would work better, but you can use a low-pass filter that lets your intended frequency range trough, but filters the rest. There are calculators out there for low-pass filters.

mhmm.. is it possible to output the analog signal using arudino duo? It has embedded DAC inside it...

Ok thank you.. That is what i needed to know