
Apply CC0-1.0+ license

Closed this issue · 13 comments

In order to increase contributors maintainers, this repository need to have a license. I believe CC0 is the best, considering that there are jurisdictions (e.g., Japan) where an author cannot declare their works public domain. Also we can be align with the official OPAM Repository, whose contents are currently licensed under CC0-1.0.

For the contributors and the authors, can you please leave a comment below if you agree or disagree applying CC0-1.0+ (CC0 1.0 Universal or later version) to the entire repository?

Here is the list of the contributors.

Here is the list of the authors whose OPAM files that are submitted by other contributors.

Both lists are in alphabetical order.

Although I think agreement is not strictly required in this case, I'd like to make it completely legal.

agree 🙆‍♂️


I, of course, agree to apply the CC0-1.0+ license to my contributions.

agree 🙆‍♂️

yuhr commented

Definitely agree!


sounds good!

Agreed <3

I would also like to agree🙆‍♂️

I agree.

I agree.

Agree. 🙆‍♂️

Everyone agreed. I'm closing the vote and applying the change. Thank you everyone!