Unable to list/update packages after installing package using cargo binstall --git
fnuttens opened this issue · 5 comments
fnuttens commented
After installing markdown-oxide this way:
cargo binstall --git 'https://github.com/feel-ix-343/markdown-oxide' markdown-oxide
I get the following error:
$ cargo install-update -l
Polling registry 'https://index.crates.io/'.................
Failed to update index repository crates-io: package markdown-oxide doesn't exist: HTTP 404.
What am I missing?
nabijaczleweli commented
What does ~/.cargo/.crates.toml
fnuttens commented
@nabijaczleweli I didn’t realize there were hidden files here ^^'
# …
"markdown-oxide 0.23.1 (registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index)" = ["markdown-oxide"]
I guess I have to change this to (git+https://github.com/feel-ix-343/markdown-oxide)
or something?
nabijaczleweli commented
In your particular case: yes, unfortunately
But in the general case: @NobodyXu needs to fix cargo-binstall to write the correct metadata to .crates.toml
NobodyXu commented
Thanks, I've opened an issue in cargo-binstall, would fix it soon.
nabijaczleweli commented
Closing as external (cargo-bins/cargo-binstall#1815)