
Internet mode doesn't work

Closed this issue · 7 comments

let url: NSURL = NSURL (string: "")!;
I changed the url to be this and commented out the previous url declaration. the program doesn't work

hey @MohanL, does it work when you remove the space here: NSURL (string:?

I remove the space ,but it still no work .. the app now is white blank

     let url: NSURL = NSURL(string: "")!

I even write this agiain

I found you must use https .

Hey @gybin02, that's so weird! Thanks a lot for figuring it out :) I wonder if it's because a previous contribution changed the webview to use WKWebView rather than the regular one. I will do more investigating when I have more free time. I hope it works for you with using https for now...

Thanks for marking as resolved! 👍