Discussion Questions: Props and State Exercise

In this program, we have three components: App, HogBoss, and BabyHog.


  • Has an eye color that can change via a radio button on the DOM
  • Renders three BabyHogs, which inherit its eye color
  • Owns the non-variable data associated with each BabyHog. This includes their: name, eye color, and hobby. (Obviously, HogBoss gets to name her babies, and they genetically inherit her eye color. Not obviously, HogBoss also gets to determine their hobbies) Look inside src/data.js to see data defining what the BabyHog offspring should "inherit."


  • Has an eyeColor received from its parent
  • Has a hobby assigned by its parent
  • Has a name given by its parent
  • Has a variable weight, that can be changed via buttons

Note: While the HogBoss component can change its own eye color via radio buttons, its children can only inherit the eye color of their parent!


  • Understanding the data associated with both the HogBoss as well as the BabyHog components, plan out what data should be kept as state vs. props in each component and then implement it
  • Make use of the src/data.js file (import it!). Hint: arrays can be mapped and return JSX! Just because the starter code has three BabyHog components written in doesn't mean it's an ideal solution
  • Depending on the BabyHog eye color, a different image should be rendered (several are being imported in the BabyHog component)
  • While the handleChangeWeight function has been implemented in BabyHog, it is not 'hooked up' to the component. Make sure the function is used so our hogs can grow and shrink when either of the buttons are clicked. (Consider how HogBoss's handleChangeEyeColor function is 'hooked up' if you are stuck here)
  • For an added bonus, use the weight of the BabyHog to dynamically change the height of the image