
Doesn't work on cloudd

anonymouz4 opened this issue · 2 comments

I successfully loaded the signed framework into the cloudd process, returned a non-null pointer, so success.
But SSL pinning is still active. Either the method the process uses isn't hooked, the hooking doesn't work. I verified that the framework launch code is being executed

Can you describe in more details how you loaded the framework so I can reproduce it ? Thanks!

There are multiple ways, but the simplest is to attach a debugger like lldb and run expr dlopen("<path_to_executable>",1)

I don't think it's bug, just that this application uses its own ssl pinning methods, not defaults like in your code.

For example a similar process like akd(which uses the AuthKit framework) has it's own ssl pinning method: @class AKCertificatePinning +(BOOL)isValidCertificateTrust:id forHostname:id