
Does this work work since the Live Preview update?

Closed this issue · 10 comments

Ever since the update which brought Live Preview, this extension has not been working for me. Regardless of if I have Live Preview enabled or disabled, this extension just does not work for me.

I have tried installing from a fresh installation of Obsidian but it is still not working.

Am I missing something? Thanks.

Not working for me either

It isn't working for me

pyl commented

How can i contribute to this to fix it? Looking for how to get started

I also found the plugin wasn't working and have fixed a bug which I think may be the same as you are describing: #4

If you want to check it is the same bug, try toggling the plugin off and then on again after setting "Show line numbers" to on.

Any chance this plugin can be fixed?

I also found the plugin wasn't working and have fixed a bug which I think may be the same as you are describing: #4

If you want to check it is the same bug, try toggling the plugin off and then on again after setting "Show line numbers" to on.

Didn't work for me. :(
I'm really missing this plugin ... Hope it can be fixed soon

Looks like it is not working when live preview is enabled. For me it works if I have "Use legacy editor" set to ON (with the caveat that the bug I mentioned before needs to be worked around).

Should be good in both Live Preview and Legacy editors now with 2.0.1. See #4.

Thanks heaps @nadavspi! IT' S ALIVE!!!! 🕺

Works for me now @nadavspi ! Thanks so much for your work :)