
A small xhr wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A small xhr wrapper. Designed for use with browserify.

Browser support: IE8+ and everything else.


var xhr = require("xhr")

    body: someJSONString,
    uri: "/foo",
    headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
}, function (err, resp, body) {
    // check resp.statusCode

var req = xhr(options, callback)

type XhrOptions = String | {
    useXDR: Boolean?,
    sync: Boolean?,
    uri: String,
    url: String,
    method: String?,
    timeout: Number?,
    headers: Object?,
    body: String?,
    json: Object?,
    withCredentials: Boolean?,
    responseType: String?
xhr := (XhrOptions, Callback<Response>) => Request

the returned object is either an XMLHttpRequest instance or an XDomainRequest instance (if on IE8/IE9 && options.useXDR is set to true)

Your callback will be called once with the arguments ( Error, response , body ) where the response is an object:

    body: Object||String,
    statusCode: Number,
    method: String,
    headers: {},
    url: String,
    rawRequest: xhr

Your callback will be called with an Error if there is an error in the browser that prevents sending the request. A HTTP 500 response is not going to cause an error to be returned.

If options is a string then it's a short hand for { method: "GET", uri: string }


Specify the method the XMLHttpRequest should be opened with. Passed to xhr.open. Defaults to "GET"


Specify whether this is a cross origin (CORS) request for IE<10. Switches IE to use XDomainRequest instead of XMLHttpRequest. Ignored in other browsers.

Note that headers cannot be set on an XDomainRequest instance.


Specify whether this is a synchrounous request. Note that when this is true the callback will be called synchronously. In most cases this option should not be used. Only use if you know what you are doing!


Pass in body to be send across the XMLHttpRequest. Generally should be a string. But anything that's valid as a parameter to xhr.send should work

options.uri or options.url

The uri to send a request too. Passed to xhr.open. options.url and options.uri are aliases for each other.


An object of headers that should be set on the request. The key, value pair is passed to xhr.setRequestHeader


Number of miliseconds to wait for response. Defaults to 0 (no timeout). Ignored when options.sync is true.


A valid JSON serializable value to be send to the server. If this is set then we serialize the value and use that as the body. We also set the Content-Type to "application/json".

Additionally the response body is parsed as JSON


Specify whether user credentials are to be included in a cross-origin request. Sets xhr.withCredentials. Defaults to false.

A wildcard * cannot be used in the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header when withCredentials is true. The header needs to specify your origin explicitly or browser will abort the request.


Determines the data type of the response. Sets xhr.responseType. For example, a responseType of document will return a parsed Document object as the response.body for an XML resource.


Pass an XMLHttpRequest object (or something that acts like one) to use instead of constructing a new one using the XMLHttpRequest or XDomainRequest constructors. Useful for testing.

MIT Licenced