Bug: Querying Geth fails vs Nethermind successful
sambacha opened this issue · 2 comments
sambacha commented
When requesting a diagram of the transaction 0xa76223b08efc5c293437b8f5673ed2b2757ba7f9c405dab5c98620c463ed9b57
Geth will faill
Nethermind will succeed
Geth output
tx2uml Got token information for 6 contracts +0ms
tx2uml Decoded 1 output params for sellToUniswap with selector 0xd9627aa4 +2s
VError: Failed to parse selector 0x0902f1ac in trace with id 4 from 0xdef1c0ded9bec7f1a1670819833240f027b25eff to 0xd3d2e2692501a5c9ca623199d38826e513033a17: data out-of-bounds (length=64, offset=96, code=BUFFER_OVERRUN, version=abi/5.4.0)
at Function.parseTraceParams (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/lib/transaction.js:149:43)
at tx2uml (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/lib/tx2uml.js:103:38)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5) {
jse_shortmsg: 'Failed to parse selector 0x0902f1ac in trace with id 4 from 0xdef1c0ded9bec7f1a1670819833240f027b25eff to 0xd3d2e2692501a5c9ca623199d38826e513033a17',
jse_cause: Error: data out-of-bounds (length=64, offset=96, code=BUFFER_OVERRUN, version=abi/5.4.0)
at Logger.makeError (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/logger/lib/index.js:187:21)
at Logger.throwError (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/logger/lib/index.js:196:20)
at Reader._peekBytes (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/lib/coders/abstract-coder.js:150:24)
at Reader.readBytes (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/lib/coders/abstract-coder.js:162:26)
at Reader.readValue (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/lib/coders/abstract-coder.js:168:48)
at NumberCoder.decode (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/lib/coders/number.js:55:28)
at /Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/lib/coders/array.js:109:31
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at Object.unpack (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/lib/coders/array.js:88:12)
at TupleCoder.decode (/Users/sbacha/tx-uml/tx2uml/node_modules/@ethersproject/abi/lib/coders/tuple.js:74:49) {
reason: 'data out-of-bounds',
length: 64,
offset: 96
Nethermind output
Nethermind request...
tx2uml Enabled tx2uml debug +0ms
tx2uml Using Nethermind client. +1ms
tx2uml About to get transaction trace for 0xa76223b08efc5c293437b8f5673ed2b2757ba7f9c405dab5c98620c463ed9b57 +0ms
tx2uml Got contract name Uni for address 0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984 from Etherscan +33ms
tx2uml Got token information for 6 contracts +0ms
tx2uml Decoded 1 output params for sellToUniswap with selector 0xd9627aa4 +2s
tx2uml Decoded 1 output params for sellToUniswap with selector 0xd9627aa4 +2ms
tx2uml Decoded 1 output params for transfer with selector 0xa9059cbb +2ms
tx2uml Decoded 3 output params for getReserves with selector 0x0902f1ac +1ms
tx2uml Decoded 1 output params for transfer with selector 0xa9059cbb +5ms
tx2uml Decoded 1 output params for balanceOf with selector 0x70a08231 +1ms
tx2uml Decoded 1 output params for balanceOf with selector 0x70a08231 +1ms
tx2uml Write lifeline 0x0000..ebbf with stereotype +0ms
tx2uml Write lifeline 0xdef1..5eff with stereotype <<ZeroEx>> +0ms
tx2uml Write lifeline 0xb255..8042 with stereotype <<UniswapFeature>> +0ms
tx2uml Write lifeline 0xc02a..6cc2 with stereotype <<Wrapped Ether (WETH)>><<WETH9>> +1ms
tx2uml Write lifeline 0xd3d2..3a17 with stereotype <<Uniswap V2 (UNI-V2)>><<UniswapV2Pair>> +0ms
tx2uml Write lifeline 0x1f98..f984 with stereotype <<Uniswap (UNI)>><<Uni>> +0ms
tx2uml Write message 0 from 0x0000..ebbf to 0xdef1..5eff +18ms
tx2uml Write message 1 from 0xdef1..5eff to 0xb255..8042 +1ms
tx2uml Write message 2 from 0xdef1..5eff to 0xc02a..6cc2 +1ms
tx2uml Write message 3 from 0xdef1..5eff to 0xc02a..6cc2 +0ms
tx2uml Write message 4 from 0xdef1..5eff to 0xd3d2..3a17 +1ms
tx2uml Write message 5 from 0xdef1..5eff to 0xd3d2..3a17 +0ms
tx2uml Write message 6 from 0xd3d2..3a17 to 0x1f98..f984 +1ms
tx2uml Write message 7 from 0xd3d2..3a17 to 0x1f98..f984 +0ms
tx2uml Write message 8 from 0xd3d2..3a17 to 0xc02a..6cc2 +0ms
tx2uml Plant UML file written to 0xa76223b08efc5c293437b8f5673ed2b2757ba7f9c405dab5c98620c463ed9b57.puml in raw puml format +0ms
tx2uml Done! +18s
title 0xa76223b08efc5c293437b8f5673ed2b2757ba7f9c405dab5c98620c463ed9b57
caption Thu, 01 Oct 2020 05:05:46 GMT
participant "0x0000..ebbf" as 0000ebbf
participant "0xdef1..5eff" as def15eff <<ZeroEx>>
participant "0xb255..8042" as b2558042 <<UniswapFeature>>
participant "0xc02a..6cc2" as c02a6cc2 <<Wrapped Ether (WETH)>><<WETH9>>
participant "0xd3d2..3a17" as d3d23a17 <<Uniswap V2 (UNI-V2)>><<UniswapV2Pair>>
participant "0x1f98..f984" as 1f98f984 <<Uniswap (UNI)>><<Uni>>
note over 0000ebbf
Nonce: 14
Gas Price: 75.0 Gwei
Gas Limit: 150,783
Gas Used: 109,885
Tx Fee: 0.008 ETH
end note
0000ebbf --> def15eff: sellToUniswap(\ntokens: [\n 0: 0xEeee..EEeE,\n 1: 0x1f98..F984],\nsellAmount: 12,000,000,000,000,000,\nminBuyAmount: 1,,007,310,718,918,521,017,\nisSushi: false)\n110,009 gas\n0.012 ETH
activate def15eff
def15eff ->> b2558042: sellToUniswap(\ntokens: [\n 0: 0xEeee..EEeE,\n 1: 0x1f98..F984],\nsellAmount: 12,000,000,000,000,000,\nminBuyAmount: 1,,007,310,718,918,521,017,\nisSushi: false)\n107,455 gas\n0.012 ETH
activate b2558042 #809ECB
def15eff -[#3471CD]> c02a6cc2: deposit()\n22,674 gas\n0.012 ETH
activate c02a6cc2
def15eff -[#3471CD]> c02a6cc2: transfer(\ndst: 0xd3d2..3a17,\nwad: 12,000,000,000,000,000)\n10,962 gas
activate c02a6cc2
def15eff -[#3471CD]> d3d23a17: getReserves()\n1,204 gas
activate d3d23a17
return\n_reserve0: 4,934,359,,823,247,108,870,429,160,\n_reserve1: 57,434,,090,761,458,552,907,834,\n_blockTimestampLast: 1,601,528,713
def15eff -[#3471CD]> d3d23a17: swap(\namount0Out: 1,,027,868,080,529,103,079,\namount1Out: 0,\nto: 0x0000..ebBF,\ndata: 0x)\n60,616 gas
activate d3d23a17
d3d23a17 -> 1f98f984: transfer(\ndst: 0x0000..ebBF,\nrawAmount: 1,,027,868,080,529,103,079)\n18,862 gas
activate 1f98f984
d3d23a17 -> 1f98f984: balanceOf(\naccount: 0xd3d2..3a17)\n1,497 gas
activate 1f98f984
d3d23a17 -> c02a6cc2: balanceOf(\n0xd3d2..3a17)\n1,234 gas
activate c02a6cc2
note right of d3d23a17: \n39,023 gas
return\nbuyAmount: 1,,027,868,080,529,103,079
note right of b2558042: \n11,999 gas
return\nbuyAmount: 1,,027,868,080,529,103,079
note right of def15eff: \n2,554 gas
note over c02a6cc2 #aqua
dst: 0xDef1..5EfF,
wad: 12,000,000,000,000,000
src: 0xDef1..5EfF,
dst: 0xd3d2..3a17,
wad: 12,000,000,000,000,000
end note
note over d3d23a17 #aqua
reserve0: 4,934,358,,795,379,028,341,326,081,
reserve1: 57,434,,102,761,458,552,907,834
sender: 0xDef1..5EfF,
amount0In: 0,
amount1In: 12,000,000,000,000,000,
amount0Out: 1,,027,868,080,529,103,079,
amount1Out: 0,
to: 0x0000..ebBF
end note
note over 1f98f984 #aqua
from: 0xd3d2..3a17,
to: 0x0000..ebBF,
amount: 1,,027,868,080,529,103,079
end note
Unsure if this is upstream or not , but I do occasionally encounter situations when a failure like this occurs selectively
naddison36 commented
I've retested 0xa76223b08efc5c293437b8f5673ed2b2757ba7f9c405dab5c98620c463ed9b57
against TurboGeth using the latest version of tx2uml and it's now working.
Pls let me know if it doesn't work for you or you find other examples
sambacha commented