
S2I for WildFly

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Wildfly - CentOS Docker images for Openshift

NOTE: The WildFly S2I image is now developed in this repository. It replaces the repository https://github.com/openshift-s2i/s2i-wildfly that can still be used to build older images.

This repository contains the source for building 2 different WildFly docker images:

  • S2I WildFly builder image. Build a WildFly application as a reproducible Docker image using source-to-image. The resulting image can be run using Docker.

  • WildFly runtime image. An image that contains the minimal dependencies needed to run WildFly with deployed application. This image is not runnable, it is to be used to chain a docker build with an image created by the WildFly S2I builder image.

NB: The image created by chaining an s2i build and a docker build is a good candidate to be managed by the WildFly Operator

CentOS versions currently provided are:

  • CentOS7

Building the images

Images are built using docker community edition and cekit version 3. Mac OSX installation and build tips.

Cloning the repository:

$ git clone https://github.com/wildfly/wildfly-s2i
$ cd wildfly-s2i

Building WildFly s2i builder image from scratch:

$ cd wildfly-builder-image
$ cekit build docker

Building WildFly runtime image from scratch:

$ cd wildfly-runtime-image
$ cekit build docker

S2I Usage

To build a simple jee application using standalone S2I and then run the resulting image with Docker execute:

$ s2i build git://github.com/openshift/openshift-jee-sample wildfly/wildfly-centos7:latest wildflytest
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 wildflytest

Accessing the application:

$ curl

Chaining s2i build with runtime image

The following Dockerfile uses multi-stage build to chain builds to create a lightweight image.

FROM wildfly/wildfly-runtime-centos7:latest
COPY --from=wildflytest:latest /s2i-output/server $JBOSS_HOME
USER root
RUN chown -R jboss:root $JBOSS_HOME && chmod -R ug+rwX $JBOSS_HOME
RUN ln -s $JBOSS_HOME /wildfly
USER jboss
CMD $JBOSS_HOME/bin/openshift-launch.sh

To build the docker image:

  • Copy the Dockerfile content into a Dockerfile file
  • Adjust the --from argument to reference the image you first built with s2i
  • In the directory that contains the Dockerfile run: docker build --squash -t wildflytest-rt .


This repository also provides a S2I test framework, which launches tests to check functionality of a simple WildFly application built on top of the wildfly image. The tests also create a chained build to build a WildFly application runtime image from an s2i build.

$ make test

When running tests, the WildFly docker images are first built.

Repository organization

  • doc/ some documentation content referenced from this README file.

  • imagestreams/ contains image streams registered in openshift library

  • make/ contains make scripts

  • templates templates you can add to a local openshift cluster (eg: oc create -f templates/wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template.yml)

    • wildfly-builder-image-stream.yml builder image stream
    • wildfly-runtime-image-stream.yml runtime image stream
    • wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template.yml template that build an application using s2i and copy the WildFly server and deployed app inside the WildFly runtime image.
  • test/ contains test applications and make test run script

  • wildfly-builder-image/ contains builder image yaml file

  • wildfly-modules/ contains cekit modules specific to wildfly. NB: These modules are progressively removed and added to the wildfly-cekit-modules repository.

  • wildfly-runtime-image contains runtime image yaml file

Hot Deploy

Hot deploy is enabled by default for all WildFly versions. To deploy a new version of your web application without restarting, you will need to either rsync or scp your war/ear/rar/jar file to the /wildfly/standalone/deployments directory within your pod.

Image name structure

Structure: openshift/3
  1. Platform name (lowercase) - wildfly
  2. Base builder image - centos7
  3. WildFly version or latest

Example: wildfly/wildfly-centos7:17.0

Environment variables to be used at s2i build time

To set environment variables, you can place them as a key value pair into a .s2i/environment file inside your source code repository.


    The image contains a set of pre-defined galleon definitions that you can use to provision a custom WildFly server during s2i build. The set of built-in descriptions you can use as value of the env var are:

    • cloud-profile
    • cloud-profile-h2
    • cloud-profile-mysql
    • cloud-profile-postgresql
    • full-profile (Vanilla WildFly configuration for standalone and domain)
    • jaxrs
    • os-standalone-profile (The default server present in the builder image)
    • standalone-profile (Vanilla WildFly configuration for standalone)

    Can't be used when GALLEON_PROVISION_LAYERS is used.

  • GALLEON_PROVISION_LAYERS A comma separated list of layer names to compose a WildFly server. Can't be used when GALLEON_PROVISION_SERVER is used.

  • Maven env variables

    • The maven env variables you can set are documented in this document


    Contains JVM parameters to maven. Will be appended to JVM arguments that are calculated by the image itself (e.g. heap size), so values provided here will take precedence.

Environment variables to be used when running application

Java env variables

  • The Java env variables you can set are documented in this document
  • ENABLE_JPDA, set to true to enable debug on port 8787, disabled by default.
  • JAVA_OPTS_EXT, to append to options to JAVA_OPTS

WildFly server env variables


    When set to true, Wildfly will automatically deploy exploded war content. When unset or set to false, a .dodeploy file must be touched to trigger deployment of exploded war content.

  • CLI_GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN set to true to disable shutdown.


  • EXAMPLE_DATASOURCE default to ExampleDS

  • ENABLE_JSON_LOGGING, set to true to enable JSON formatted logging. By default it is false.

  • Microprofiles config env var


    If set, WildFly will attempt to define a MySQL datasource based on the assumption you have an OpenShift service named "mysql" defined. It will attempt to reference the following environment variables which are automatically defined if the "mysql" service exists:

    • MYSQL_DATASOURCE, default to MySQLDS, is used as the JNDI name of the datasource java:jboss/datasources/$MYSQL_DATASOURCE
  • OPENSHIFT_SMTP_HOST default to localhost


    If set, WildFly will attempt to define a PostgreSQL datasource based on the assumption you have an OpenShift service named "postgresql" defined. It will attempt to reference the following environment variables which are automatically defined if the "postgresql" service exists:

    • POSTGRESQL_DATASOURCE, default to PostgreSQLDS, is used as the JNDI name of the datasource java:jboss/datasources/$POSTGRESQL_DATASOURCE
  • SCRIPT_DEBUG set to true to enable launch script debug.

  • SERVER_CONFIGURATION name of standalone XML configuration file. Default to standalone.xml



  • WILDFLY_PUBLIC_BIND_ADDRESS default to the value returned by hostname -i

  • WILDFLY_TRACING_ENABLED in default server configuration microprofile opentracing is not enabled. Set this env variable to true to enable it. In case your configuration contains opentracing (eg: cloud-profile), you can disable it by setting this env variable to false.

  • Adding new datasources can be done by using env variables defined in this document

  • Https config env var

Jolokia env variables

  • The Jolokia env variables you can set are documented in this document

Provisioning a custom server using Galleon

The s2i builder image comes with a set of pre-defined galleon provisioning files that you can reference from your s2i build (thanks to the GALLEON_PROVISION_SERVER env variable in the default template or Galleon parameter in the chained build template). Names of directories located in this directory can be value of the template parameter or env variable.

Note: You can use these provisioning files as a starting point to define your own WildFly server.

If you want to define your own WildFly server, create a directory named galleon at the root of your application sources project. This directory must contains a provisioning.xml file. During s2i build, this file is used to provision a server. This server is used to replace the one present in the s2i builder image (located in $JBOSS_HOME).

The Galleon feature-pack location to use is wildfly-s2i@maven(org.jboss.universe:s2i-universe):current, it is only available from the WildFly s2i builder image (located in .m2/repository).

This feature-pack contains the default standalone.xml configuration required for OpenShift. In addition it exposes the following Galleon layers that you can combine with WildFly defined galleon layers:

  • mysql-datasource
  • mysql-default-datasource
  • mysql-driver
  • postgresql-datasource
  • postgresql-default-datasource
  • postgresql-driver

Note: These Galleon layers are defined and documented in wildfly-extras Galleon feature-pack.

As an example, this custom configuration Galleon definition defined in this maven project combines the WildFly cloud-profile with the postgresql-datasource

S2i build time WildFly server customization hooks

  • Wildfly configuration files from the <application source>/<cfg|configuration> are copied into the wildfly configuration directory.

  • Pre-built war files from the <application source>/deployments are moved into the wildfly deployment directory.

  • Wildfly modules from the <application source>/modules are copied into the wildfly modules directory.

  • Execute WildFly CLI scripts by using S2I_IMAGE_SOURCE_MOUNTS and install.sh scripts as documented in s2i core documentation

  • Datasource drivers deployment thanks to S2I hooks. This document covers the drivers deployment and configuration.

This test application highlight the usage of these customization hooks (in combination of galleon provisioning a cloud-profile server).

OpenShift oc usage

In case your openshift installation doesn't contain the images and templates:

  • Adding the image streams: oc create -f imagestreams/wildfly-centos7.yml and oc create -f imagestreams/wildfly-runtime-centos7.yml. wildfly and wildfly-runtime imagestreams are created.

  • Adding the template: oc create -f templates/wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template.yml. Template wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template is created.

  • The imagestreams and templates are added to the namespace (project) currently selected. It is recommended to add the imagestreams to the openshift namespace. In case you don't have access to the openshift namespace, you can still add the imagestreams to your project. You will need to use IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=<my project> parameter when using the wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template template to create an application.

  • When adding the wildfly imagestream to the openshift namespace, the OpenShift catalog is automatically populated with a the template WildFly allowing you to create new build and new deployment from the OpenShift Web Console.

Building a new application image from the wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template (to be then managed by WildFly Operator):

  • oc new-app wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template

Building a new application image from the wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template and provision a cloud-profile WildFly server (to be then managed by WildFly Operator):

  • oc new-app wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template -p GALLEON_PROVISION_SERVER=cloud-profile

Building a new application image from the wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template with wildfly and wildfly-runtime imagestreams registered in myproject (to be then managed by WildFly Operator):

  • oc new-app wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template -p IMAGE_STREAM_NAMESPACE=myproject

Starting a new deployment from an image created using wildfly-s2i-chained-build-template template (NB: it is advised to use the WildFly Operator instead):

  • oc new-app <namespace>/<image name> -n <namespace>

Create a new application from the wildfly imagestream (s2i build and OpenShift deployment) with a jaxrs provisioned server:

  • oc new-app --name=my-app wildfly~https://github.com/openshiftdemos/os-sample-java-web.git --build-env GALLEON_PROVISION_SERVER=jaxrs

Jolokia known issues

  • On some minishift versions (at least on v1/33.0) you need to disable security to allow Java console to connect to WildFly server Jolokia agent set AB_JOLOKIA_AUTH_OPENSHIFT and AB_JOLOKIA_PASSWORD_RANDOM to false

S2I build known issues

If UTF-8 characters are not displayed (or displayed as ?)

This can be solved by providing to the JVM the file encoding. Set variable MAVEN_OPTS=-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 into the build variables


Released under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file.