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Semi-interactive debugging for well-written löve games, where handlers do return within a reasonable amount of time. By calling a global function called stop(), the current handlers of the löve game are saved to some temporary symbols and replaced by the handlers of the console, and the sole argument of the stop() function is displayed as an error message. From this console, the user can access the current state of the game, check the values of various symbols, run certain functions, etc. The latest content of the screen should be copied to the canvas of the interactive interface, so that the user can inspect the state of the screen when the game is stopped. After calling the global function continue() from the console, the handlers are restored from the temporary symbols and the game is thus resumed.

Similarly, a key combination (to be decided) should also stop the execution similarly to calling stop(), displaying "BREAK into program" as the error message. Calling continue() should resume the game. This may require offering the game developer a set of keyboard handlers identical, but distinct to those offered by löve, which, in turn, will check the key combo for break.