
Not displaying the envelope when playing from DLNA server

etxttul opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm not sure this is a link-play problem or a media browser problem, but I will start here.
I have a lot of CD ripped to a media server, in each folder I also have the envelope picture.
When I select the song from the media browser (from inside the media player) I don't get the envelope displayed in the player in HA.

Sometimes (randomly), when I start the same song from the phone app (I'm using Audiocast), it displays, but only sometimes (even the same song). It seems the attributes media_artist and media_title are not updated on the media player.

If I go to the media browser directly (from the left menu). I get the envelope if I start the song on my browser. But if I start it on my link-play device I don' get the envelope.

Before the media browser I had no choice than starting from the phone app, at that time it always worked with displaying the envelope. However, I have no feeling when it stopped.