
Controls not Working, playing info not always displayed, same with covers

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Hi! Thanks for the good work!

I own a Arilyc S10, it works great but the next/previous controls do nothing. When i click on "pause" it stops the playing song, but completely, the queue goes empty and nothing anymore, "Not playing".
On some differents cards, the previous/next buttons do nothing, and on some other ones, if i show them (the buttons) in the card settings they dont show on the card itself (altrought ii works as well as the controls with my Yamaha AVR through Musicast addon on the same card)

Same, if i stop a playing with the android App, when i click on play on HA, it says "unable to find (or something similar).
Off course same for the off/on button (but that player doesn't have a standby so i think it's normal)

Also, the title, artist etc.. don't always show, it's just saying the default "Playing", same with the covers.
Sometimes it's both at the same time, but sometime I have the cover but not the infos and vice & versa.
It also seems that the navigation bar don't always work.
For example, when i click on the middle of a song, i doesn't do anything and the seeking goes back where the song is actually at. Like it doesn't take the setting.

Important precision, it depends the sources. For example, spotify has absolutely no issue with the covers, infos and the seek bar.
But sometimes it could work on a dlna song, i try again later, and no infos.

I don't know what causes that.

Thanks if you have any idea or plan whatsoever to fix thoses!