
Docker run not producing any output

Closed this issue · 4 comments


I am trying to run MODNet using the dockerized version you have provided on my computer, but I don't see any output after the 'docker run' command. There is no error outputted, but it doesn't print the "saved background" statement at the end of the file.

I ran 'docker ps -a' to view the exited containers but it did not return anything. I also ran 'docker images' to confirm that the docker image ('modnet') was created.

I get the same behavior when running on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS.


Hmm, I see it is working fine on my side
Screen Shot 2022-03-03 at 11 03 02 AM

I would try below steps

Thank you for the suggestion, I uninstalled an reinstalled docker on my computer and now it looks like the file did run all the way through. The output I got is attached.

However, I cannot find the the output images and they were not saved in the output path (demo/image_matting/output). Any ideas how I can obtain the outputs? When I ran on it's own, the images were successfully saved in the correct folder.


Okay I found the issue.
I did a major restructuring and update in a new branch

This is working on my end. I removed the images and tested and saw it is saved. Please test it out and let me know.

That worked, thank you!