

lvandroid opened this issue · 7 comments

hook jar包无效是什么情况

兄弟..需要自己配置包名路径 才可以成功hook哦

关于这一点我在ReadMe中注明了的,请知悉。请重点查看 targetPackages 的说明。


codelessdaConfig {
    //this will determine the name of this plugin transform, no practical use.
    pluginName = 'myPluginTest'
    //turn this on to make it print help content, default value is true
    showHelp = true
    //this flag will decide whether the log of the modifying process be printed or not, default value is false
    keepQuiet = false
    //this is a kit feature of the plugin, set it true to see the time consume of this build
    watchTimeConsume = false

    //this is the most important part, 3rd party JAR packages that want our plugin to inject;
    //our plugin will inject package defined in 'AndroidManifest.xml' and 'butterknife.internal.butterknife.internal.DebouncingOnClickListener' by default.
    //structure is like ['butterknife.internal','com.a.c'], type is HashSet<String>.
    //You can also specify the name of the class;
    //example: ['']
    targetPackages = []

比如我要hook okhttp中的一个方法,我添加了 targetPackages=['okhttp3'],重写了visitMethodInsn()方法,我对比了run后的代码,只是复制了okhttp jar包的内容,没有注入成功。我以前用hiBeaver库的时候注入是成功的,用这个没有注入成功

回顾了下代码,我的插件只对 interface中的方法 和 Fragment中的方法 进行注入,实现方式较hiBeaver有所调整。

@lvandroid 从Gradle Console打印结果来看,okhttp3的确加入到扫描路径,只不过没有满足注入条件的方法。

====revisit modified
* visit *		ACC_ABSTRACT		ACC_INTERFACE		ACC_PUBLIC		okhttp3/internal/io/FileSystem	null	java/lang/Object	[]	
* visitInnerClass *	okhttp3/internal/io/FileSystem$1	null	null		ACC_STATIC		
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_STATIC		ACC_FINAL		SYSTEM	Lokhttp3/internal/io/FileSystem;	null	null	
* visitEnd *	
====finish modifying
====start modifying
* visit *		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_FINAL		ACC_SUPER		okhttp3/internal/io/RealConnection	null	okhttp3/internal/framed/FramedConnection$Listener	[okhttp3/Connection	]	
* visitInnerClass *	okhttp3/internal/framed/FramedConnection$Builder	okhttp3/internal/framed/FramedConnection	Builder		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_STATIC		
* visitInnerClass *	okhttp3/Request$Builder	okhttp3/Request	Builder		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_STATIC		
* visitInnerClass *	okhttp3/internal/framed/FramedConnection$Listener	okhttp3/internal/framed/FramedConnection	Listener		ACC_ABSTRACT		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_STATIC		
* visitInnerClass *	java/net/Proxy$Type	java/net/Proxy	Type		ACC_ENUM		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_STATIC		ACC_FINAL		
* visitInnerClass *	okhttp3/Response$Builder	okhttp3/Response	Builder		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_STATIC		
* visitField *		ACC_PRIVATE		ACC_FINAL		route	Lokhttp3/Route;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PRIVATE		rawSocket	Ljava/net/Socket;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		socket	Ljava/net/Socket;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PRIVATE		handshake	Lokhttp3/Handshake;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PRIVATE		protocol	Lokhttp3/Protocol;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_BRIDGE		ACC_PUBLIC		framedConnection	Lokhttp3/internal/framed/FramedConnection;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		successCount	I	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		source	Lokio/BufferedSource;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		sink	Lokio/BufferedSink;	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		allocationLimit	I	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		ACC_FINAL		allocations	Ljava/util/List;	Ljava/util/List<Ljava/lang/ref/Reference<Lokhttp3/internal/http/StreamAllocation;>;>;	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		noNewStreams	Z	null	null	
* visitField *		ACC_PUBLIC		idleAtNanos	J	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		<init>	(Lokhttp3/Route;)V	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		connect	(IIILjava/util/List;Z)V	(IIILjava/util/List<Lokhttp3/ConnectionSpec;>;Z)V	[okhttp3/internal/http/RouteException	]	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PRIVATE		connectSocket	(IIILokhttp3/internal/ConnectionSpecSelector;)V	null	[java/io/IOException	]	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PRIVATE		connectTls	(IILokhttp3/internal/ConnectionSpecSelector;)V	null	[java/io/IOException	]	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PRIVATE		createTunnel	(II)V	null	[java/io/IOException	]	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PRIVATE		createTunnelRequest	()Lokhttp3/Request;	null	[java/io/IOException	]	
* visitMethod *		isConnected	()Z	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		route	()Lokhttp3/Route;	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		cancel	()V	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		socket	()Ljava/net/Socket;	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		isHealthy	(Z)Z	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		onStream	(Lokhttp3/internal/framed/FramedStream;)V	null	[java/io/IOException	]	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		onSettings	(Lokhttp3/internal/framed/FramedConnection;)V	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		handshake	()Lokhttp3/Handshake;	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		isMultiplexed	()Z	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		protocol	()Lokhttp3/Protocol;	null	null	
* visitMethod *		ACC_PUBLIC		toString	()Ljava/lang/String;	null	null	
* visitEnd *	
====revisit modified

还有个在AS 3.0中,需要project的, 添加android.enableD8=true才行,不知道你们有没有这个问题

@lvandroid 调研了下AS3.0 D8,这块的确没有考虑过,谢谢你的提醒^_^