
'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

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I downloaded UDD6 dataset and extracted it in ./input/training and ./input validation
but when I run train I got this error on the first image in", line 25, in get_mask mask = mask[:, :, 0] TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

Hi, thanks for your interest in the project.

Before I go further, would you show me your config?
Also the train images and masks(ground-truth) shape along with the ground-truth unique classes.
I would like to know how you represent the mask matrix values.

Thanks for reply first I'm tensorflow newbie.
I'm using the default values in config. I changed the train/val folders and I had to disable Flops export GET_FLOPS=False because it's the only function that not compatible with TF2 (I'm using tensorflow 2 )

Also I didn't use a custom dataset I used the UDD6 as you mentioned it in the notebook to use UDD so I used the latest one