
Simple Tricks I use While Playing King Of The Hill

Primary LanguageShell

Simple Tricks I use While Playing King Of The Hill

Hey guys, hope you're doing well :)

For those who are playing TryHackMe king of the hill...

These are some tips/tricks I usually do

First thing I do when I get into the machine is deleting ssh keys and put mine

To generate id_rsa & id_rsa.pub you could use ssh-keygen

Then, enter the machine using ssh -i id_rsa remote_username@remote_host

using this simple trick only you can enter the machine using ssh...

To automate putting ur username inside king.txt and make sure that there's no username except yours,u can create a simple script to do that

while :
        eval "echo [usernameHere] >> /root/king.txt"
        eval " > /root/king.txt"

#this script is created in 1 min :P

or by simpler way

while [[ $(cat /root/king.txt) != "[usernameHere]" ]]; do echo "[usernamehere]" >> /root/king.txt; done

#this script is created in less than minute :P

also u can add your username automatically by putting inside /etc/crontab

* * * * * echo "[usernameHere]" >> /root/king.txt >/dev/null 2>&1

#SimpleButEffective #staySafe