
Altered quality info so bowties can't map

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new to this biof stuff. But used sabre a few times on my fastqs and worked great (Thanks a Lot). However, last run....can use bowtie2 to map non demultiplexed fastq fine no errors. Demultiplex with sabre then about half the new fastqs throw errors saying "Error: Read M00733:9:000000000-A5T8E:1:2116:15800:22597 2:N:0:1 has more read characters than quality values.
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'int'
bowtie2-align died with signal 6 (ABRT) (core dumped)"

Got MiSeq to remake fastqs and tried again. Same problem. Deleted the entry for the error throwing line, found a new one. Gave up after deleting four reads worth.

Not sure what to do next!!!

Any help appreciated..

You have to check the original fastaq file to see if there is something wrong during procesing your data,e.g. reads are not correctly cut in quality control. I met similar problem with you.

I met similar problem with you too.
Hope someone can help with it .