
Subtitles2Text+ Deleting Text+ Layer (Mac)

Opened this issue · 21 comments


Please let me know what I can do. I had another issue that you helped me fix, I really appreciate that!


This tool uses the following keyboard shortcuts by default. Do you have it assigned to delete?
command+shift+a(Deselect All)
command+4(Active Panel Selection > Timeline)

That has no effect.

It works on the first try, but if I delete the text+ and try to repeat, that is when the error pops up

I tried locking all layers and the tool seems to work fine in my environment

I have download your version 2.5.1. for mac but when i use SubTite to text+ The shortcut don t work ..(Test Button Too).. I have tested online with python3 pyautogui.hotkey('command','v') ANd I have the paste of a test that i have copied ....

Please check below.

Apple menu > System Settings...
Security & Privacy > Accessibility

DaVinci Resolve checked

Thanks your answer…Yes Davinci is checked

it s the same… I have clicked on Test for the Razor but nothing 🧐


I have python3 and I have to modify your Line
Python3 /bin/ ans install manually the package Pyautogui manually because in thé console there are an error about the module….after the installation…your menu about « Subtitle2TextPlus » appeared ( I try to understand python too)


Please tell me the version of python you are using.
If you get an error after running setup_python.command and りぞりぷと.command, please let me know.
On Mac, This tool use apple script instead of Pyautogui.

Hi you may find screenshot

I have seen on console an error about the module Pyautogui When i exécute Substitute2Text+ so I have installed manually it

Sorry. I misunderstood.
It was PyWinCtl that was not used, not PyAutoGUI.

I have tried several things and there seems to be a time when the test button does not work.
I will look into it.

Cool 👍… I am waiting so your feedback for all so with New version so

Hi there,

I have been using your scripts on windows for subtitle to text+ and love it. I recently got a macbook for editing and am not able to get the script to show up within the resolve menu. I think I went through all the steps but obviously must have missed something. Is there anything I should check? Thank you!


Try setting up the resolve_launcher again.
If the menu still does not appear, check the following on the Fusion Page

Fusion > Fusion Settings... > PathMap > UserPaths:

If the settings are successful, you should see the following, as an example.

hi i hope you are fine :-)
I have tested with your new version 2.5.3 but the Razor , all deselected option are KO ( and test button are KO too)
it s about Subtitle to Text+

Secutity Accesibility of Terminal & DaVinci are Selected

on Mac Os

I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work.
When I press the test button, it fails the first time and succeeds the second time.

Maybe it will take some time to find the cause.

Manually the shortcut Ctrl b is ok … it s as there are no action with the command… When I have clic 2 Times I have nothing

I made a version that doesn't use shortcuts.
Try using Type B.