
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Chat Application

This repository contains a simple chat application built using React Native and React Navigation.

File Structure

  • App.tsx: This is the entry point of the application. It wraps the entire app within the NavigationContainer provided by React Navigation and uses the AuthNavigator component to handle authentication-related navigation.

  • src/navigator/index.tsx: This file contains the AuthNavigator component responsible for managing the navigation flow within the app. It utilizes createNativeStackNavigator from React Navigation to define a stack navigator with screens for the Splash and Chat components.

  • src/features/SplashScreen.tsx: This file defines the SplashScreen component. It presents a simple screen with a button to navigate to the chat interface.

  • src/features/ChatScreen.tsx: The ChatScreen component represents the chat interface. It displays a list of messages and provides functionality to send new messages.

  • src/components/ChatComponent.tsx: This file contains the ChatComponent reusable component used within the ChatScreen. It handles the rendering of messages, input for sending messages, and the overall chat UI.

Flow Overview

  1. App Start: The application starts with App.tsx, rendering the NavigationContainer wrapping the AuthNavigator.

  2. AuthNavigator: AuthNavigator manages authentication-related navigation. It sets up a stack navigator with two screens: Splash and Chat.

  3. SplashScreen: Initially, the app lands on the SplashScreen, displaying a button to open the chat.

  4. ChatScreen: Upon pressing the button, the app navigates to the ChatScreen, which displays the chat interface.

  5. ChatComponent: The core UI of the chat is handled by ChatComponent. It renders messages, provides an input field to send new messages, and maintains the state for managing messages.


To run the application:

  1. Make sure you have the necessary development environment set up for React Native.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Install dependencies using npm install or yarn install.
  4. Run the app using npm start or yarn start.

Additional Notes

  • Message Structure: Messages are objects containing an ID, text content, and a boolean flag indicating if the message was sent or received.
  • Automated Messages: There's a commented-out block in ChatScreen that demonstrates how to send automated messages every 30 seconds.
  • Styling: The UI is styled using React Native's StyleSheet with components like TextInput, FlatList, and TouchableOpacity.