
COOP & COEP headers

hbi99 opened this issue · 3 comments

At, the console is warning "Ignoring inability to install OPFS sqlite3_vfs".


Is this due to some changes on your server? I assume this was not an issue earlier and everything "worked" as intended. It is also possible Chrome changed some policies since your launch ¯\_ (ツ)_/¯

Anywho, in my development environment, I have fixed the headers so that the COOP & COEP headers are served as suggested here...see screenshot below. Despite that, I am getting the same warning. Do you have any suggestions?

Thanks in advance

image is hosted by GitHub Pages, which does not support SharedArrayBuffer (missing COOP/COEP headers), hence the warning. This does not affect the functionality of the playground — everything works fine.

I can't comment on your local setup, unfortunately. Could be an insecure context or something else. See the MDN article for a detailed explanation of the SharedArrayBuffer requirements.

I do have other WASM solutions served from same dev-env, requiring SharedArrayBuffer. This do work fine. Sqlite3.wasm continues to warn. I wonder, does this warning go away in any environment? Yours for instance...


No idea, sorry. I'm not really interested in using OPFS at the moment, so I'd rather not investigate.