
what is the " CONTENT-TYPE" value if the mataInfo is 1 or 2?

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CertificateContent = CONTENT-TYPE TLV-LENGTH SubjectPublicKeyInfo

  1. I don't know what the value of content-type should be if the contentType in metainfo is 1 or 2.
  2. If we use a TLV, why do we need the ContentType in the Metainfo? we can just let the content in Data is a TLV too, and the T is 0,1,2 or others.
  1. I think we could define a tow layers protocol,
    first, the TLV-codec layer encodes TLV to binary or decodes TLV from binary
    second, a TLV-explainer layer, explains a TLV with a TLV schema so that we can explain and validate a TLV tree.
    for example:
    we have a TLV-encoded binary: 0x06 0x08 0x08 0x00 0x08 0x04 0x08 0x02 0x08 0x08
    we don't know how to explain the TLV, we could decode the binary to :
    1. TLV{type=6, value=0x08 0x00 0x08 0x04 0x08 0x02 0x08 0x08 }
    2. TLV{type=6, value=TLV{type=8, value=}TLV{type=8, value=0x08 0x02 0x08 0x08 }}
    3. TLV{type=6, value=TLV{type=8, value=}TLV{type=8, value=TLV{type=8, value=0x08 0x08 }}}
      so if we only have the TLV codec, we don't know what the mean binary is, we can define a TLV schema like:
      so we can confirm the right decode is 2. We can share the schema with others, so everyone can explain the TLV.
      If we are a NFD, we can just try to explain the first level of the TLV tree, so we can have good performance.